Monday, December 12, 2011

My last semester

Hi everyone!

Today I will talk you about my second semester, a special one because this is my last semester as an undergraduate student…finally! :)

First of all, I really expect that this new term will be good, and in particular I hope I will not to be under a lot of stress because of the classes.

On this semester I’m taking the last 3 subjects to finish my career, and I think that the most important is Taller de Investigación, because in this course we have to make a thesis design. So, I look forward to learn to do it well.

This is not my first summer semester; in fact, this is my third summer semester so I think that is not so awful. Furthermore, is a very short term, so I hope that time fly.

These are my expectations for this second semester. I hope you will have a good semester too!

See you on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Pancha, I am sure that your classes will be fine and not to stressful, be sure of that too!
